Explanation of E-Class, MDL Matching Algorithm.

The Muay Thai Development League has created a proprietary matching algorithm for the "E" Class (Education Class).  This algorithm is based on an athlete's level of aggression in addition to the traditional form of matching:  age, weight, experience, etc.   Utilizing this method allows a much larger pool of athletes ---but more importantly; much more technical and BALANCED bouts.  

Athletes are rated between a scale of 1 to 5:

AGL-1 Aggression Level 1Brand new athlete. No experience and new to the sport. No foundation yet of techniques and not aggressive.  NOT eligible to participate.

AGL-2 = Aggression Level 2:  Athlete has demonstrated an understanding of Muay Thai techniques and can put together combinations.   They also know and understand basic defenses. Their level of aggression, however, is mild. They are very timid in their approach and not confident on how to apply techniques yet.  For example, even though they know how to defend on coming attacks --often times they do not counter attack and many times "freeze" upon getting hit.

AGL-3Aggression Level 3:  This Athlete has an understanding of techniques but hits with an almost excessive force with a lack of control. They may or may not have experience but everything they do is with high aggression.  With these Athletes even if they are instructed to hit lighter, they still come out hard and are unable to contain their power.

AGL-4 Aggression Level 4: This athlete has a good understanding of technique and how to apply it in a sparring session or during competition. He/she has been sparring at their gym regularly and strikes with a moderate level of force and competence. Fairly able to control the level of power of their strikes. In addition, an AGL-4 Athlete is not only adept at attacking, but they can defend and counter attack as well.

AGL-5 Aggression Level 5:   EXPERIENCED with CONTROL. This is a well balanced and more than likely, an accomplished and CONFIDENT Athlete with experience in multiple bouts. They can work well with anyone. They will go easy on someone that is a “2” but are still able to diffuse the energy and aggression of a “3”.  They are experienced enough to take hits and give it back, if needed.



  • TINY TIKES 5-6 year olds 65 USD
    Youth: 5-6 y.o. Boys and Girls. NHC = NO HEAD CONTACT
  • FUTURE CHAMPS 7-8 year olds 65 USD
    7-8 y.o. Boys and Girls. NHC = NO HEAD CONTACT
  • RISING STARS 9-11 year olds 65 USD
    9-11 yo Boys and Girls = NO HEAD CONTACT
  • YOUTH 12-13 y.o. LHC: Light Head Contact 65 USD
    12-13 yo, LHC (Light Head Contact)
  • YOUTH 12-13 y.o. NO Head Contact 65 USD
    12-13 yo, Boys/Girls. NHC (No Head Contact)
  • TEENS 14-17 year olds. LHC Light Head Contact 65 USD
    14-17 year old Teens. LHC = Light Head Contact
  • TEENS 14-17 y.o. NO Head Contact 65 USD
    Teens: 14-17 year olds/ NHC = NO Head Contact

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